
News Buffer Overflow

So much stuff has happened today that I feel compelled to post NOW as
opposed to LATER. Can’t you see I am serious? (Can you do any less?)
Two exciting programs going on soon on campus – Jane Goodall is here on
Friday, and Chuck D will be here on the 28th. I got tickets to Goodall,
but I will probably give them away as I have no serious vested interest
in seeing her. Chuck D is an entirely different matter.
Yet again, soliciters are pushing their wares in my face for “a good
cause” – this time, the Ithaca Rape Crisis Center. Okay, sounds
good…what are they pushing? Blow Pops. Alright…how much? 50 cents.
What the HELL is up with that? Temple of Zeus has them for 9 cents plus
tax. I don’t mind giving to charity, but I do mind getting ripped off.
And I also mind getting solicited 12+ times over two round trip walks
from home to the arts quad.
In happier news, our power was fixed today – the old circuit breaker was
a 6 Amp – so the fridge is back in, so soon we will have liquid
refreshment for all.
Finally, I must plea that if you need a hilarious song about Al Gore,
there’s only one place to go – Eddie Schmidt’s
. Please download a couple songs, I promise they’re funny.
And if not, you can hurt me.


Week 2 Complete

Another Saturday night, another web page update.
This week zipped by rather quickly, mostly sped along by the addition of
the Dreamcast to our room. Currently at 4 games, 4 controllers, and one
memory card, it’s a great time killer and homework delayer – but don’t
worry, it’s all getting done.
At, Frank has been out for the week, so the news updating
goodness has completely fallen on the shoulders of Paul and I. It’s been
a mostly slacking week on that front.
My project for Freeverse is growing closer to our deadline; I’m trying
to get around all the snags that have shown up as best I can, but most
everything is going to end up being a “wait and see how this all pains
out” sort of thing. Not how I like it, but we don’t have a choice.
Apple Campus Rep job – I still don’t know. Karl is waiting to interview
one more guy, and I had a talk with Kevin at the store about various
things I would like to do if I had the job. I’ll let you know as soon as
I know.
I’m starting to get creative juices again, so I may start putting up
some experimental content soon. But it really depends on if I can
produce anything worthwhile, as usual. We’ll see what happens.
I promise to update the quotefile soon, so hang in there, silly folks.
Until then, keep coming back, I promise to make it worth your while.