Richard D. James / Aphex Twin recently (Tuesday) released a new two-disc set humorously entitled “26 Mixes For Cash”. Containing 26 remixes (go figure) of a range of artists – familiar (Nine Inch Nails, Jesus Jones, Meat Beat Manifesto), unfamiliar (Mescalinum United, Nobukazu Takemura), and incestual (two tracks are remixes of his own material) – this is alleged to be the most accessible Aphex’s music will ever be.
While you could go read reviews from JunkMedia or dotmusic, you’re going to be subjected to mine. Songs will be rated on a 1 to 100 scale (matching the ratings I give the tracks in iTunes – and yes, I bought this), potentially without rhyme or reason. Songs rated 60 or higher are good enough to make it to my primary play list, songs over 80 make it into my more selective one.
If for nothing else, you want to read this as I fumble with how to describe Aphex tracks.
Amusing Protest Anecdote
Apparently Ben & Sabiha – if you don’t know who they are, don’t worry – were down in Texas protesting the war and got detained.
Why, you ask?
Ben had a poster that said “THE ONLY DICK I TRUST IS MY OWN”.
Sabiha had a poster that said “THE ONLY BUSH I TRUST IS MY OWN”.
Heh…funny to see how the once very right-wing has shifted.
War Updates
I feel bad co-opting so many links each day from Sean Paul Kelley and Jim Romenesko, but they’re just so damn good at what they do that I can’t help myself.
Convoy hijacked in aid ‘disaster’ – well, that was effective.
15 Stories The Media Has Already Bungled – good to see someone is keeping tabs.
Location of POW camp too sensitive – even for Red Cross (don’t forget, kids, that’s a violation of internation law too!)
Unembedded Journalist’s Report Provokes Military Ire – and by “provokes ire”, they mean “disappears”.