
Moby Timeline

For your enjoyment, the timeline for the Moby show, to the best of my
8:00 – Hospitality crew call
9:00 – Stage crew call, breakfast
10:00 – Load in
Afternoon – Sound check
17:00 – I show up
18:00 – Security Crew Call
18:30 – Tix Takers / BO Crew Call
19:00 – Doors open
20:00 – Hybrid on
20:45 – Change-over
21:15 – Moby on
23:15 – Show ends
~Midnight – I go home


fg life

Well, Hell Week ended, and Wonderful Week begins.
In what was probably the best weekend I can ever remember, I spent a
very happy 5 days with the love of my life, Katie. We both seriously
needed the time together and I think we succeeded on every level as far
as relaxing goes. Plus, the drive isn’t too bad – although by some
anomally, I got to her house from my dorm room (300 miles) in 5.5 hours,
yet managed to get from her house to home (320 miles) in 5 and a little.
And no, I wasn’t speeding excessively.
While I was there, I picked up three CDs – Guster’s Lost and Gone
Forever, Sneaker Pimps’ Becoming X, and Radiohead’s Kid A – to those of
you with Kid A, try popping the black disc holder out of the jewel case
for an extra booklet (with lyrics, I think?). All three albums are
quality, and a nice diversion from my last 3 album purchases of TECHNO
Anyhow, life is resuming as usual, but with some added fun this week –
John Cleese is giving a talk and a showing of Life of Brian on Friday
night, and Sunday night is the fabled Hybird/Moby show. WOOT!


Hell Week Complete

I am done with my smartey man hell weeke. I am typeing liek Jeff K
becuse my brian si fried!!! Hoepfully tomarrow my brian will be backe to
a compleateley functionale state for my drive to Kate’s house!
*slaps his face* If you need me, send an email – my machine will be on
but no one will be answering it. Back on Chusday.