
Ashcroft urges federal lawbreaking

Ashcroft urges federal lawbreakingJohn Ashcroft, sworn to uphold all of the laws of the land, is urging government employees to violate the Freedom of Information Act.

Last October, the Justice Department cited the Sept. 11 attacks in a memo to federal FOIA officers that stated, “When you carefully consider FOIA requests and decide to withhold records, in whole or in part, you can be assured that the Department of Justice will defend your decisions.”

How sad is it that we can read headlines like this and NOT be surprised these days? And when is this sort of thing going to end?



Massive Update

This update is dedicate to Ingrid Hung, who needled me into feeling guilty enough to make the long post I’ve been putting off for a while.

The big, big news is that I officially have a job – and it’s very similar to the old job.

As it turns out, I am now going full time with Freeverse. While details are still being hacked out, I am now on salary and will be making more than enough to get by. Endless thanks to Ian and Colin for giving me something to be excited and rather speechless about.


Donnie Darko Autopsia

I seem to have a habit of seeing one exceedingly good movie a year.

In 2000, it was Fight Club.

In 2001, it was Requiem For A Dream.

This year, it’s Donnie Darko.