
Blogs To Check Out

Danny Ayers’ Formerly Echo, covering the Echo project. Makes me wish I had a typepad beta account so I could spin off some of this content into another blog.
Kevin Fanning’s The Knowledge For Thirst, a beverage blog I’m taking a second look at and cackling uncontrollably over. And I hate it when I cackle uncontrollably.
More typepad beta sites – David’s, Mena’s, Anil’s. Everything is looking great.


Updated n-Echo Prototype (0.1.1)

I have taken a few minutes to clean up my n-Echo template due to the release of Kevin Shay‘s new UTCDate plugin. This removes the dependency on MTPerlScript (of course, adding one for UTCDate), and certainly makes the template look a lot cleaner without all the perl script inserted into it three times.
View /necho/nechoMTTemplateJuly8th
Huge thanks to Kevin Shay for the help.
Edit: Thanks again to Kevin for the comment – I removed the context for MTEntryDate. I also realized that using MTEntryDate for the main modified element of the feed is technically wrong considering that MTLastModified is available. So that’s changed as well. People who have grabbed the template earlier today are recommended to grab it again.


The NYC Dance Begins

The hotel is booked.
The booth is reserved.
The comedy event is…well, not updated yet.
Yes, folks, we’re heading back to New York City for MacWorld New York CreativePro Conference And Expo. This will likely be complete overkill, but hey. We’ll be at booth #360, showing off our latest and greatest and selling games at what may or may not be described as “insane prices”.
Katie and I will be staying in the city for an entire week, Sunday through Saturday starting the 13th. This is also serving as sort of a second-chance honeymoon, since our plan was always to make a longer trip this year after the 4 day honeymoon last time.
Anyone who’s in the NYC area and is interested in getting an exhibits-only badge to the conference, let me know. $25 is a ripoff.