Crystal just let me know that Yahoo has RSS feeds for their news as of today.
Author: Dan Dickinson
Shameles Self Promotion Week
I will be appearing tonight on’s The Gamesome Mac.
I’m also on MacGamer’s Gamer’s Den this week talking about games I like and things of that nature.
Friday Five
Not being late, this time. [friday five]
1. When was the last time you laughed?
Earlier today I had a serious chuckle over an excerpt from Al Franken’s new book, which is getting an early release and should be widely available tomorrow.
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with?
A certain asshat online by the name of Loopuze.
3. Who was the last person you emailed?
Pat Miller from MacGamer, regarding an interview with me for Gamer’s Den which should be up in the near future.
4. When was the last time you bathed?
Around noon, Thursday. 13 hours ago as of press time.
5. What was the last thing you ate?
Grilled cheese sandwich with tomato.