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Tatsujin Cat

So since I’m waiting on my copy of 7th Style like the rest of the USA, I decided to play some older Beatmania IIDX today.
Buttons has this tendency to like to interfere in the middle of the game. Most of the time he just gets on top of the TV:

Then he’ll get in front of the left side lines while I’m playing. Here, he’s jumping down right afterwards.

And then he was like, HEY, I CAN DO BETTER ON REAL [7]. And I’m like PROVE IT CAT.

And he beat me by 3 ex points. Yeah, he looks humble…

…but he’s actually a smug bastard.


Atom Usenet Feeds

Google, in their new Google Groups beta test, are offering Atom feeds for Usenet groups.
As a certain someone is known to say – bing!


PacManhattan in the NYT

The Times has a nice article up about Pacmanhattan in the Style Section. Good pictures, too.