At the request of Todd Barry, I am putting him in my blog. There you go, Todd, although as I mentioned, I’m not the first one.
The concert/benefit was unbelievably awesome. We were right up at the stage, fantastic view and acoustics. I am at the after-party at the drop in center. I wish I had my camera. I am tired, and it is late.
There’s a long post brewing in me; expect it early next week. Lots of reflection and all.
Regarding tomorrow; we’ll probably be at TCF right before noon. Depends on timing, tempo, and rhythm.
Author: Dan Dickinson
Decided To Start An MP3 Blog
I felt like inflicting my musical tastes on more people. As such, feel free to start visiting Greater Than / Equal To. I’m planning on updating it on Monday/Wednesday/Fridays.
One Act Play: Wedding DJ
Wedding DJ
A One Act Play Based On True Events
By Dan Dickinson
To the left and right of the stage are WEDDING GUESTS, in standard reception dress, seated at round tables. Their faces are not visible, but they are talking loudly to one another. In the center, a WEDDING DJ stands up nodding his head to Ring My Bell by Anita Ward. There are very few people on the dancefloor. As the song begins to transition to Crazy In Love, the WEDDING DJ picks up the microphone.
(in the style of a game show announcer,
needlessly emphasizing key words)
Okay, for this next song, let's get all the
lovers out on the dance floor!
Come on!
WEDDING GUESTS continue talking at the same level. One gets up to get a drink.
Alright then, how about all the couples
that just like each other!
It's dancin' time!
WEDDING GUESTS snicker slightly. There are still no takers.
(wondering if anyone is paying attention,
but still upbeat)
Okay then, how about the couples that
are just staying together for the kids!
Conversation between WEDDING GUESTS begins to cease.
Okay, okay, how about the couples
staying together because no one
else wanted the kids!!!
Put on your dancing shoes!
The WEDDING DJ is murdered by WEDDING GUESTS. WAITSTAFF emerges from the wings and begins serving salad as conversation resumes.