
Benny Benassi vs. Dave Winer

If you stay current on my links (they’re in the sidebar), you’ll have seen the latest comedic turn in the debacle – is hosting a remix contest of Dave’s audio post.

Having been bitten by the remix bug a long time ago (and the recent acquisition of DJ Shadow‘s In Tune And On Time, which has live footage of Pushin’ Buttons Live), I broke out Traktor DJ Studio and browsed my library for the appropriate song to mash Dave Winer into.

Lately I had been listening to the Benny Benassi album more and more; I had originally blocked it from my consciousness as I found the single “Satisfaction” to be irritating as hell. But as I ended up listening to other tracks – particularly “Time” and “Get Loose” – I noticed that there’s some decent electro house underneath the silly vocal samples. I enjoyed the songs with the least robotic voicing the best.
So when my vision landed on “I’m Sorry”, I realized a number of birds could be killed with one mashup stone. Not only was it a good song for layering samples over, and not only was there some significance to the existing vocal sample (a number of people are up in arms that Dave has not said he was sorry), but I could potentially remove the part of the vocal sample that irritated me (the full vocal sample is: “Are you sleeping? Ohhhh. I’m sorry.”, and with the exception of the last two words, I never liked it.)

So between last night and this morning, I mashed and redubbed and banged my head into the desk repeatedly until I had a workable dance track. I worked together a few jokey sample combinations (“Formats and protocols…are a DEADLY combination.” and a couple using the I’m Sorry sample), and I avoided using the “People love to jump up and down” sample, because this isn’t really a jump-up-and-down track. Some trimming and minor tweaking in Cacophony, and an encoding in iTunes, and voila. Or maybe I should say bing!

You can grab it from, or locally on I’m pretty happy with it, although it would probably be perfect if I had a proper sampling and arranging program like Peak.

Comments happily taken.


The Great Cosmic Balancing

There’s that old quote atrributed to John Gilmore, about the Internet treating censorship as damage and routing around it. I think there’s something else just as notable about the Internet; it seems to have a sense of karma, where wrongdoings are often righted.
The big news this morning was Dave Winer’s shutdown of 3000 blogs that he had become responsible for hosting on Originally they were hosted by Userland, and then at some point Userland Software split into two companies both named Userland Software, and…yeah, it’s confusing. Needless to say, Dave’s been hosting them out of his own pocket for at least the last few months, and came to the conclusion that he couldn’t afford it.
There were a number of problems with the way this was handled. I won’t bore you with details – other people have this pretty well wrapped up.
But as the day rolled into night, I was jarred with two ironic happenings, nearly back to back.
One was, in the Schadenfreude sense of irony, the inevitable slashdotting, which I would expect will drive as a Manilla host completely down tomorrow – if not for the traffic, for the off-topic comments that are rapidly multiplying.
The other? A number of comparisons were made today between this and the Movable Type 3 pricing structure, where the blog world collectively took a massive shit on SixApart – and it was largely justified for failing to communicate (sound familiar?) and making decisions that left a number of people scratching their heads as to how they got to the final decision.
Lo, not twenty minutes after the slashdotting, Argyle on #joiito points out that SixApart emailed out a new pricing structure. The three non-commercial tiers are now:

  • Limited Free (1 author, 3 blogs, no support, free)
  • Personal (5 authors, unlimited blogs, support, $70)
  • Unlimited Personal (unlimited authors and blogs, support, $100).

I have a coupon I have not yet used from the beta test of MT3; tomorrow would appear to be the day I’m using it. These prices are quite reasonable, have all the ridiculous limits removed, and I certainly don’t have a problem paying that much for a piece of software I use so readily over a daily basis.
And besides – I’m well versed on how to import and export from MT by now.


The Sweetest Thing

Nothing beats having friends of the office send in a box of eighteen really good cookies. I’m talking really good. You rock, Amy.
For those who keep asking: My last day at Freeverse is Friday.