
VJArmy Registration Open Once More

For those of you who have been waiting patiently for the last month for VJ Army registration to reopen, today’s your lucky day.
You still need a referral, but the process is now significantly quicker.
Edit: I was a retard and forget to flip the enabled flag for creating new accounts, since previously they were disabled by default so I could run the process. It’s fixed now, and accounts made today have been enabled.



Drink, by They Might Be Giants
I’ll take back my pinata it’s wasted on you
Just spinning that pool cue all over the room
And give back the blindfold that’s under your shoe
Let’s drink, drink this town is so great
Drink, drink ’cause it’s never too late
To drink, drink to no big surprise
But what words rhyme with buried alive
What words rhyme with buried alive
You could be a float for the 4th of July
Based on your theme of “Wallflowers Grown Wild”
Look thru your peephole, you’ve won every prize
Let’s drink, drink this town is so great
Drink, drink ’cause it’s never too late
To drink, drink to no big surprise
But what words rhyme with buried alive
What words rhyme with buried alive
In your monkey suit on a cigarette break
The lunchtime crowd, they won’t even blink
But you’d be sad if they did
But you’ll be sad…
Let’s drink, drink this town is so great
Drink, drink ’cause it’s never too late
To drink, drink to no big surprise
But what words rhyme with buried alive
What words rhyme with buried alive


And So It Begins: Bemani Idol

A few months back, Konami announced that they were seeking some new vocal talent for the Bemani line.
Behold, Lord Naoki has officially opened a site about twelve up and coming stars – ten girls, two boys – who I assume will be making up this contest. Why the document name is yell.html is beyond me. The girls are either singing Pink Rose or Himawari (thanks, Juju!); the boys are singing Lover’s Day.
I have no idea if this is going to go elimination style or what, Systrans is down. But let’s speculate endlessly about who we may be seeing on the next Pop’n or GF/DM release!
Right now, I’m leaning towards Aya, as she did the best Pink Rose and wouldn’t look out of place when put next to, say, BeForU.
And remember, kids: