Just when I was lamenting Mondays and the veritable lack of a weekend I just had, I see this cover on AM New York this morning, regarding the Xbox-induced murder story.
I’m sorry, but that just wins.
Author: Dan Dickinson
My Quicksilver tutorial has been updated for B27. A fair amount has changed recently, as Quicksilver has moved to a plugin-based data module system. If you still haven’t tried Quicksilver yet, or are running an older beta, now is a fantastic time to jump on it.
Also, the old version of the tutorial is available in O’Reilly’s new Panther Hacks book. It’s part of Hack #4, and I do have an author credit in the front of the book if you look hard enough.
Today is the second anniversary of the wedding of Katie and I. Huzzah for the “cotton” anniversary, where apparently you’re supposed to buy towels and t-shirts and other things we already have too much of!
We’ve spent much of the last year in NYC, and that certainly has added to the stress and decreased the amount of time we get to spend together. But we still make it through, we still cuddle (when it’s not 90 goddamn degrees and humid), and we still love each other like crazy.
As a special treat, I am going to attempt to rescue our wedding album from Katie’s office and finally scan the damn wedding pictures like I promised two years ago.