

Huge, heartfelt, overwhelming congrats and love to Gillian Daniel and Josh Sarmir on their recent engagement! Eeeeeeeeee!
That’s right, I said Eeeeeeeeee. What are you going to do about it?


It Is Dark – But Also Not

The air is different today, marking (in a way) the end of summer. The temperature is just right, with a comfortable humidity. The kind of air that doesn’t bowl you over like the heat has as of late. And the light is beautiful in all the ways NYC can be. The sky is bright blue, yet it is noticably dusk, with buildings gleaming in the distant sunset.
It is dark – but also not.
Have you ever seen the way people run for the subway at 59th & Lex? I’m not talking about running towards a subway they’re about to miss. I’m talking about the way they run from the train they were just on, down the stairs with the large “DON’T RUN” sign, to the platform where there is often no train waiting for them. Their disappointment is both satsifying and depressing.
It is dark – but also not.
Someone on this train has perfume on that reminds me of when I was 16 and smiling at an inside joke. Why do visual memories grow fuzzy, but the memory of particular smells never do?
It is dark – but also not.
The number of ads (4) I can see from my seat on the subway car for higher education in one form or another makes me wonder if higher education has jumped the shark.
It is dark – but also not.
I am once again finding myself in a position where a friend has confided in me secrets that will probably destroy another friend.
It is dark – but also not.
I really want to do something else witth my hair, as its getting in my eyes again.
It is dark – but also not.
It has been joked that I have two wives. I am not aware of having converted to Mormonism, but I could be wrong.
It is dark – but also not.
I wish I knew Todd Barry, so that I could take him out for drinks and have incomparable hijinx.
It is dark – but also not.
Ninja Gaiden is the most frustrating game I have ever played. Halo’s single player is still overrated. Xbox Live is not the end-all-be-all of network gaming. That said, there are a number of good Xbox games available for cheap.
It is dark – but also not.
If it wasn’t clear from the last paragraph, we got an Xbox.
It is dark – but also not.
I am now writing from a mexican restaurant, where I sit at the bar thumb-typing away and alternately sip water while the waitress tending the bar sings with the jukebox. She turns up the drama on Telemundo as the music ends, which is slightly disappointing as she had a nice voice.
Every time I look around at the world, I don’t see things in black and white or shades of grey. From such great heights to such depressing lows, its all the same world, and it all balances out. And in the end, there’s only one thing I can think as I return outside…
It is dark – but also not.


Pop’n Navy Public Registration Now Open

Registration for Pop’n Navy, my Pop’n Music score site, is now open for non-VJA users.
Remember, kids – we’re still in beta. And read the forums.