
Special Thanks

For many people, venting about life problems can be cathartic. For me, listening to other people talk about their problems is often cathartic. Not because I like hearing about people in misery, but because it’s really nice to take my life experiences and see if they can’t help the other person. It helps me put my life in perspective, and helps me see what other people are going through.
So special out-of-the-blue thanks to those people over the past few weeks that have believed in me enough to let me lend an ear – Kim, Brett, Jared, and Nastassya. Actually, double thanks for Nastassya – because I still really appreciate what she said tonight.
Back to your regularly scheduled blog.


Keyboard Art

My USB ports have been acting funky all weekend, disregarding mouse buttons or thinking the modifiers on my keyboard are down when they aren’t. As such, I popped keys off one of my keyboards, cleaned it out, and while I was using the spare, decided to do some transplanting between the two for these nice designs.
They aren’t identical because one’s just an Apple USB Keyboard and the other is an Apple Pro Keyboard, yielding a different button set. But it still came out pretty neat, I think.


Never Actually On Friday Five

the friday five
1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]?
Ah, this is a STUDENT Friday Five. See, those of us in the real world just have to work all summer. Admittedly, we just got back from Maryland, and we’re hitting NYC for a week next month. BUT THAT DOESN’T COUNT.
2. What was your first summer job?
Working for Spider Graphics, where I was woefully abused, underappreciated, and underpaid. Hey, it’s fun doing web work for $5/hr AND having witholdings taken out.
3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go?
Well, we are going to NYC; in the grand scheme, going to California (so many people to meet) or Japan (obvious geek-out heaven) would be nice.
4. What was your worst vacation ever?
My parents are quite fond of camping. I, on the other hand, am not. Take your pick from any of the week-long camping vacations; they’re all the same in my book.
5. What was your best vacation ever?
The honeymoon, despite being short. Hey, 4 days in NYC to do whatever we wanted. How could you go wrong?